Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey everyone!
Welcome to our very first blog! Here, we will discuss issues and extend our classroom discussions. Please remember the following rules;

1) No vulgarities
2) Do not slander others
3) Do not write nasty comments about others
4) Do not give personal information about yourself


  1. Write one more rule: No Spamming (:

  2. Math again! Opps i failing my math exam.Shall i work harder? Yes i shall but why am i failing? I had learn for my exam and that i failed again.

  3. Great rules! Mrs. Justin, if we did offend this rules, what outcome will we get? Share with us, and then we will be scared and not ever ever do it. One more rule: Any rules offended shall be ban from commenting (:

  4. Well Genevieve, if anyone does break our Golden Rules, he/she shall first be counselled. If it's a malicious (horrible) act, I will have to refer the pupil to our Discipline Mistress (Mdm Tan). :P It depends on the severity of the act.

  5. Next time I'll go for plastic surgery and make my eyes bigger so that I can watch what I'm doing :\

  6. Mrs justin,

    You almost forget one more rule,no querelling.

  7. One more no short form(Maybe)
