Monday, September 7, 2009

Exams or no exams?

Do you think exams are important? Should we have exams in schools? Why do you think schools have exams?


  1. Welcome , ash would like to comment about the topic . Exams are important and should have in all school because all this years teachers have been teaching student with great ideas and success . Hence , we should have exams to test our knowledgement after the whole year . I think i have to go .

    Regards ,

  2. ~ Sabrinaa ~ ||Untypical GurlSeptember 9, 2009 at 8:24 AM

    Yes , Exams are very important , we should have exams in school because to test ourself whether we understnd the topic very well . If we do not have exam we would not be able to learn form our mistakes .. yes thatts all byee !!

    Signing off :
    Sabrinaa ~ Abnormal herr !

  3. Xavier pan(keefeker1998)September 14, 2009 at 9:03 PM

    Of course exam are important because it help us learn more things in my future.

  4. mrs justin where is my present?i passed my english i passed my science exam

  5. In England student will only have exam once in 7/6years...But I think one year two time is better because if we have an exam almost once in 3 months we will be very stress...

  6. Well, many students and children will say, "I don't want to take any examination!". On the other hand, people will say, "I want to have examination so I can get to see my results and how smart am I." Well, to me, I hate exam, most people do. But if there is no exam, how is teachers gonna judge which pupils go to which class? Which pupils deserve to get this award. You know this kind of thing is important, so we just have to bear with it and t ake the examination. And after all, I was quite happy when I gottten my Primary 1-3 results, they were all band 1 or 2, no threes for me! How I wish I've been like that all this well ):

  7. Exams are important, since its there to test what you've been learning about from the start. But exams really quite cut down too many trees. Singapore should really solve the problem haha.

  8. Yesss...Exams Are Important Because It Is To

    Test Our Knowledge Whether We Understand That

    Subject Or Topic...So,,, Yes , eXAMS Are


  9. Oh yes Justin. I have not forgotten about your present...It's coming soon. When everyone's back in class.

  10. Gladys ~ Cheerful Girl ~September 14, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    I think we should have exams ... Without exams , we will not be able to understand the topic . Without exams , teachers will know where is our weakest place . If the teachers know where is our weakest place then they will teach us again our weakest topic! :)

  11. I think exam is important althoght I don't like exam, it will help us.

  12. It Is A must to me.
    So that we can test our knowledge.
    And see whether we understand what
    the teacher have been teaching us.
    But sometimes exam give us an
    Heartbroken. :p


  13. Hey April, how do you know that pupils in England don't have that many exams to sit for?

  14. YesYes to me eams are important
    Althoug i hate exams ! It
    will help us to sucess !
    But sometimes ,
    It mayy be very stressing !
    (: Hehe .

  15. I am very weak in my maths...but I will try harder to score higher marks :)

  16. Exam are very important. When we have good greats we will get a better job when we grow up.If we don't have exam then when the boss wants to hire people to come and work for him/she then how is he/she going to find a hardworking person?

  17. I may have failed my Cas but do you think I will give up?Of course not!I will not give up untill I pass!

  18. exam is important because if there is no exam , you will not see your grade. If the boss hire a person whose mathematics is bad to be a cash register, they might give the wrong change

  19. For Fion and Evelyn Is grades not greats.The boss want to know how hardworking are we just hire us first,if lazy the boss can fire us anytime right?

  20. Hi(:
    I think exams is important because they reflect us what our teacher (MRS JUSTIN) teach us.And when we get our test paper we sad and cry because we fail . When we fail we will STUDY more hard.Just belive yourself that you can do it. Bye need to go(:

  21. exams are important what so ever it was quite difficult and I was petrified to see my markz for exam

  22. Yes, exams sre important as they test what we have learnt and whether the teacher has been doing their job in teaching

  23. exam is very important,it can change our live.

  24. Gladys ~ Cheerful Girl ~September 14, 2009 at 9:30 PM

    I felt quite disappointed with my results too.When i get my results back home...luckily my mother wasn't home yet.Before my mother come back,i watch a tells me that i must try my best no matter what...determination is important!With hopes i'm sure we will succeed!Do not be upset my friends ! Remember ! With hopes ! You will succeed for sure ! :P

  25. I wish we do not have exams. I wish there was no such thing as education. If Education was computer gaming , well i would have been getting 100 for 100 in all subjects.

    But im still going to study hard for my next exams. If i pass my exams , my dad will buy me a a new guitar! I am going to study as hard as i can to earn that guitar!

  26. i think am weak in every subject but malay i pass

  27. Eugene, you seem to say that exams are a test for teachers as well...To a large extent, I don't think this is right. Does it also mean that when a student does well in class it's because of the teacher? In a class if there's a pupil who scores 90/100 for an exam and another who scores 20/100 for that same paper, how can we explain that? So is it still a test to see if the teacher is doing his/her job? I disagree.

  28. fion and evelyn is grade not great

  29. @Mrs J: I have to agree with you. It all depends on the student, NOT the teacher. The student must listen and pay attention in class, and maybe do some self-revision. The teacher can't be with him/her all the time

  30. My SA1 was done very badly ,i scare my next exam will also fail.

  31. I did quite well in my exam but only my math fail.I felt a little bit sad.

  32. yes, we do need exam because without exam we cannot get good jobs when we grow up.

